How Can You Boost Your E-Commerce Conversion Rate Quickly?

Write Persuasive Content

The purpose of sale-oriented content on the internet is simple: Engage readers, keep their attention, and encourage them to purchase.

This isn’t to say that your content needs to be pushy or demanding the prospect buy something. Who responds to that approach, anyway?

An effective approach is to make the prospect understand that you are just like them and you understand their needs.

For example, if you sell pet food, the content might focus on how your high-quality food will benefit their dog’s health, give them more energy, and, it tastes incredible (so you’re told).

Create Simple Navigation

It’s crucial to remember that a dozen of your competitors are one click or tap away. That’s the reason that simple and straightforward site navigation is so darn important. Site visitors need to find what they want in no more than two or three clicks.

When people need to search a site beyond two or three clicks, they get frustrated and will go to your competitor. Sometimes, the business that gets the sale doesn’t necessarily have the ‘best’ product or lowest price. However, the site navigation made it simple for the customer to fill their needs and go.

Whole books are written about simple site navigation, but a critical thing to remember is this: When a visitor comes to your site from Google, they probably just searched for a product or service they want.

When they come to your site, they must see exactly what they were looking for. The linked product page needs excellent pictures, crisp text, and a straightforward way to purchase and check out.

Optimize For Mobile

If you are old enough to remember the days when most of us browsed online from a desktop, you know how much times have changed. How much? As of 2018, more than ⅓ of all retail sales were conducted on a mobile device, which is probably closer to half today.

Remember, users are even more impatient on a small mobile screen. If they can’t find what they want in two seconds, they’ll bail for another site.

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